917 Diaries

by Fernanda Brandao



August 2013

Wooster Collective

Written by , Posted in ART, DESIGN, TRAVEL

Marc e Sara Schiller fundaram o site da Wooster Collective 10 anos atrás com o objetivo de ter um espaço dedicado a “mostrar e celebrar a arte efêmera presente em ruas de cidades ao redor do mundo.” A iniciativa tem sido extremamente bem-sucedida e aclamada globalmente com mostras, palestras, shows em galerias, livros publicados e uma ótima loja online no site da Wooster Collective.

Agora que esses 10 anos passaram, eles organizaram uma exibição na Galeria Jonathan LeVine para celebrar não apenas o crescimento dos artistas que foram destaque pela Wooster Collective, mas também fazer um tributo para o mundo da arte de rua no mundo e seu poder de transformação. Alguns dos artistas que participarão da comemoração dessa década são:  Anthony Lister, Shepard Fairey, JR, Invader, Faile, WK Interact e Ron English.

Abaixo uma galeria de alguns trabalhos que já foram divulgados pela Wooster Collective.

Marc and Sara Schiller started the Wooster Collective website 10 years ago, as a way of having a space dedicated to “showcasing and celebrating ephemeral art placed on streets in cities around the world.” The initiative has been extremely successful and globally acclaimed with exhibits, lectures, gallery shows, published books, and a great online store on their website.

Now that these 10 years have passed, they have organized an exhibition at Jonathan LeVine Gallery to celebrate not only the growth of the artists whom have been featured through Wooster Collective but to play a tribute to the world of street art globally, and its transformative power. Some of the artists who will be participating are Anthony Lister, Shepard Fairey, JR, Invader, Faile, WK Interact, and Ron English.

Here is a gallery with some works that have been divulged by Wooster Collective.


10 Years of Wooster Collective: 2003-2013
Group Exhibition Curated by Sara + Marc Schiller
When: Aug 7 — Aug 24, 2013

Where: 525 West 22nd Street, Chelsea



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