917 Diaries

by Fernanda Brandao



January 2014

Fellingham’s Sports Bar

Written by , Posted in FOOD, LIFESTYLE, TRAVEL

Fellingham’s Sports Bar

Eleito como um dos 25 melhores bares dos Estados Unidos pela revista Esquire, o Fellingham’s Sports Bar é parada obrigatória para quem visita Southampton. Localizado bem no centro da cidade, em um casarão construído em 1830, o Fillingham’s é o bar mais tradicional dos Hamptons – adorado por turistas e moradores locais.
No cardápio há hot dogs, hamburguers e os deliciosos frutos do mar de Long Island. Tudo bem simples, para apreciar com uma caneca de cerveja na mão assistindo a um jogo de futebol americano.


Elected as one of the 25 best bars in the US by Esquire magazine, Fellingham’s Sports Bar is a must for anyone visiting Southampton. Located right in the village center, in a house built in 1830, Fillingham’s is the most traditional bar of the Hamptons – adored by tourists and locals. 

On the menu there are hot dogs, hamburgers and the delicious Long Island’s seafood. All very simple, supposed to be enjoyed with a beer mug in your hand while watching football.

17 Cameron Street – Southampton Village

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